For as long as it lasts...

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In a desperate need of writing this article; sometimes you have a desperate need for something without knowing what exactly this is... Right now, I know exactly what it is. It's time.

Time accounts, so different for everyone. What is long? To me, i only understand long when a certain action makes me feel uncomfortable, just to give you an example and be respectively shallow: when you want to go to the toilet.. No, in fact when you are dying to go to the toilet. Time counts against you and your need; minutes are moving so ridiculously slow....

And back to the intellectual Aphrodite...
People have spoken: time flies when you are having fun. Right?

It all began in my small brain when I had a small conflict at work because I was late in submitting something. Well, you can’t be late if you don’t have a deadline, right? Yes, setting time limits is relatively important; at work. Where they pay you.

We are surrounded by individuals that check their watches constantly. When you don't have your phone or your funky watch close to you for a while and suddenly you check the time, you are shocked by how late it got. 
Spoiler alert: time passed exactly the same way it did yesterday and the day before and 3 years back. The sole difference is your dedication to the surroundings and living souls sharing the same air with at the moment. 

We are surrounded by souls that measure their feelings in days. One night, no more. Let's keep it casual, couple of months. We are seeing each other for over a year, should be serious...
Watches are for counting time, not us. Deadlines are for projects. 

Counting time is occupying such a great space in our already "heavy" heads. Can't we see that all we have is time? Longer or shorter, why does it matter so much?

If time is so important, why are there cheap watches? Why can't it turn back?Why doesn't it stop? Why do we grow old? Why are there bad timings? If time makes everything "right" why do people leave early?

Hey, guys, let's ignore time a bit, right? Let’s leave expiration dates to processed food and cheap wine.. Cheers!

"Forever" yours,
